Wednesday 5 January 2011

What have you Learnt about Technologies from the Process of Constructing this Product

My skills with the camera have improved massively as I did most of the filming for our product, I experimented with many different camera angles and techniques. I learnt how to perfect match on action and edit it at just the right time to let the film flow. Our film contains a variety of angles from high angled shot to show isolation and a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the Ouija board to get everybody’s finger going onto the glass.
Camera Work
The clip starts off with Shell walking up the garden and into the shed, while she is doing this we pan around the garden and into a shot of the fish tank then onto the red hand prints on the wall. The red handprints represent blood and the desperation of trying to escape the shed. The panning theme continues through the titles and into the dialogue

Low Angle Medium Shot

We then see this low angled medium shot of Shell which shows her isolation and loneliness that she is feeling, also she is seated on the floor which represents that she is a lower rank in the group and therefore gets persuaded into doing the Ouija board.

Close Up

We follow this up with a close up of Josh persuading Shell that nothing bad is going to happen. We used a close up to show that Josh is intimidating Shell and forcing her into doing something that she really does not want to do.

Bird's Eye View

We used a Bird’s Eye View shot of the Ouija board, not only to show everybody’s finger going onto the glass, showing Shells finger last to show how reluctant she is to do the Ouija board but also it appears as though a spirit is watching down on them .
Over the Shoulder Shot

We used an over the shoulder shot, over Josh’s shoulder and onto Michelle while Josh is speaking to her. During this shot we see shell looking very hesitant to get involved with the board and she looks around to the other characters for assurance that it is going to be ok. We did this to keep displaying to the audience that Shell really did not want to take part in the process.

Close Ups – Fade to Blacks

These shots towards the end of our film pan around each character in their circle. In between each character we used the editing technique of fading it in from and out to black. We also inserted heartbeats in between each character to realy understand how they were feeling.

Also, my editing skills have come on hugely as I took most control over the editing and for us to fulfil our potential it needed to be up to scratch, along with the rest of the coursework. For our preliminary task we edited using Windows Moviemaker.

This was a very enjoyable experience and I felt I edited very successfully as our mark suggested, however as our skills were developing we decided to edit on a more advanced programme so for this piece of coursework we edited on Pinnacle.
We did this to try and not only enhance our video but enhance our own personal skills. We found Pinnacle to be a good challenge and extremely helpful in parts such as brightening some shots which had been shot in not very good lighting. We felt that on Pinnacle we had more control over our editing as we could control how things faded in and out for example and at what speed.

As a group we feel that this is one of our best pieces of editing within the film and this potrays best how much we have come on in both a filming and an editing sense.

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