Wednesday 3 November 2010

Group Roles

We were all assigned group roles as Michelle has explained here Group Roles

Shooting Schedule

This is the schedule that we hope to stick by when filming our film. We have created this so that we know exactly what scenes to do when we get together and film and to give some structure to the process. Factors that may affect this is the availabilty of our actors, so we need to arrange days where we are are all available. The only thing that is preventing us from starting to film at theis present time is that one of our group members is suffering from tonsillitis.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Original Opening Title Sequence to Ouija

Over the top of this title sequence we are going to have a voice over from characters panicing about doing a ouija board and words from characters parents warning them about the danger of ouija boards

Ouija pointer starts at the top of the board and slowly moves around the board to spell out the title of the film ' Ouija'.

Pointer moves into the centre of the board

We inserted the 'grow' transition onto the pointer, so that it looks as if it is coming out of the screen.

We then added a fade to black from the centre, so that it looks like the blackness is coming out of the centre of the pointer to represent the 'dark' side of the board.

Originally we had decided that our film was going to be called 'Ouija' and this powerpoint would run as our titles before the film. However, during our filming process we got a better shot of 'The Enemy' and decided to make this our new title with Michelle being seen as the enemy. Therefore as a group we decided not to use this sequence.

Friday 17 September 2010

Original Ideas and Making the Ouija Board

Before we started to do any filming we had to discuss as a group our thoughts as to what we thought would make an effective opening.
All of our Original Ideas are on Michelle's Blog

Once we had decided what our films was going to be about, we had to get started on gathering and designing props, most importantly the Ouija Board

Thursday 16 September 2010

Props and Location Planning

Josh was responsible for deciding what Props we were to use in our film

Michelle was responsible for the main Location of our film

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Analysis of Final Destination Film Opening

Camera Work
  • A lot of fade to blacks when showing titles and credits
  • Panning is used in the opening scene to show the different thigns around the bedroom
  • These panning shots are then faded into other areas of the room.
  • It is shot during the night to get a horror effect and to make the room look scarier in the dark
  • Close up on the plane ticket and an extreme close up on 'Flight 180'. This appears to be significant not only in this film but also the sequals to the film.
  • Many images throughout the opening are blurred which suggest that not everything in the film is going to be straight forward.
  • A lot of fade to blacks when showing titles and credits
  • Finally shows a book with red writing on it saying "This is the End"
  • The writing looks as if it is writen with blood which reresents death and suffering
  • Also the words "This is the End" again suggests that people are going to suffer.
  • The iconic fan blows open a book and turns it to the page about history which has a picture of war. It zooms to a close up of this image. War suggests death and fighting which is a microcosm of what is going to happen in the film.
  • Slow, quiet music
  • Occasional blast of thunder to show that not all is calm within the scene.
  • Music slowly builds up throughout the scene to show tension
  • Also a scream as though someone is being killed is heard to remind us that it is a horror film and again connotes a sign of things to come.
Mise en Scene
  • Showing isolated figures such as a puppet hanging from a string this connotes death and shows a sign of things to come.
  • The film is about a plane crash, and it keeps going back and showing the fan spinning round as if it were a plane propeller, the fan suddenly stops and this represents the plane later in the film when it stops working and crashes.
  • Close up on the plane ticket and an extreme close up on 'Flight 180'
  • It shows a close up of a touring france book. However this book is turned upside down which suggest that the trip is going to be turned on its head and and be different to what the think, which proves to be true later on in the film as the plane crashes.
                    Final Destination Opening Scene

Sunday 12 September 2010

AS Preliminary Task 'Stranded'

Before filming our 2 minute opening scene, we had to create a preliminary task. This again had to last for two minutes maximum and had to include some match on action. In most cases this was filming somebody walking through a door and then filming again the other side. This was my first experience of both filming and editing. The main objective for this piece of work was to edit it and to make the whole thing run smoothly.

I feel that filming this helped us gather the basics of filming and editing and helped us get a feel for working with the camera and being on camera.